Privacy Policy keeps your private data private.

All data collected by Shoppentotaal will be kept confidential and will not be made known to third parties who need your data in order to process your order. The information you give to Shoppentotaal will be treated with the utmost care.

The purpose of registering personal data by Shoppentotaal is to be able to process your payment and to be able to send your order. We also use your data to inform you about the status of orders. If you have indicated to receive our newsletter, we will use your information to send it to you.

The site contains links to other sites and sites of business partners. We are not responsible for the privacy practices nor the content of such sites.

Shop total will remove any registered visitor (and his or her personal details) from the database as a result of a request. If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the site of Shoppentotaal and the affiliated webshops or your experiences with the site, you can contact Shoppentotaal via the contact form.